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GMCF is Opening its Doors to Visitors Without Appointments

Updated: Jun 6

Dear Family and Friends,

We are excited to announce, GMCF is opening its doors to visitors without appointments. Our county transmission rate is at a moderate level, which is why we can make this transition. If the county transmission rate returns to substantial or high then we will return to scheduling visits. To check the status of the county transmission rate please check this website:

How is this transition going to effect how I visit with my loved one? Starting today, so long as the county transmission rate remains moderate to low, you will not need to schedule an appointment to see you loved one. To visit your loved, one please follow these steps:

  1. Enter the front entrance

  2. Sanitize hands

  3. Place facemask

  4. Take temperature

  5. Complete the screening form (attached)

  6. Access stairway or elevator and go to the floor your loved one lives on

  7. Visit with your loved one in an area they are comfortable in

  • If visit occurs in resident’s room and roommate is present, please draw room divider curtain

  • If resident wishes to visit on ground floor, please access elevator and bring resident to ground floor area. Staff may assist in this process.

  • If they wish to visit in dayroom, please ensure social distancing from others

  1. See attached educational materials.

If you are planning to take your loved one out of the facility for a visit, please call the nurse’s station, allowing time for staff and your loved to get ready for their trip.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Lena at ext 178 or Heidi at ext 127


Heidi Brown, RN

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